No matter your experience or budget, I'm sure you can make skiing a fun part of your winter Dartmouth experience if you would like. So how easy is it to ski at Dartmouth? I couldn't imagine it being easier!
Shuyi Jin 2023
¡Hola blog! Mi nombre es Paulina y soy de Nicaragua. Al estar embarcado en mi segundo año, he estado reflexionando acerca de todas las razones por la cual yo decidí aplicar y asistir a Dartmouth.
Paulina Cuadra 2025 -
Besides Dartmouth's Indigenous Fly-In Program, we offer a remodeled program for students from historically underrepresented backgrounds called Dartmouth Bound.
Kiara Ortiz 2024 -
Curious about how to go about funding at Dartmouth? Read about my experience getting funding to go to Washington DC for a few days this winter break.
Brandon Mioduszewski 2025 -
An account of how Dartmouth helps low-income students afford a college education!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
I had no idea how the college application process worked when I was in high school. If you're from a place where college is an afterthought, I would suggest reading on!
Gavin Fry 2025 -
Life as a First-Generation and Low-Income student is complicated anywhere you go. Here's my honest perspective and story from the Dartmouth point of view.
Gavin Fry 2025 -
Many students work part-time during their college experience. Getting a job is a great way to build skills, meet new people, and earn money while also pursuing academics.
Paulina Cuadra 2025 -
One of the best ways to survive and enjoy winter in Hanover is by finding something that makes you excited to be out in the snow. This term, I decided to sign up for ski classes at the Dartmouth Skiway.
Chidera Duru 2025