Financial Aid Glossary
Most Commonly Searched Terms
The higher education financial aid process involves terminology you might not encounter anywhere else. Use this online glossary to get up to speed on key financial aid-related words and phrases.
Cost of Attendance
The total cost for one year of enrollment at Dartmouth. The cost of attendance includes direct costs (tuition, fees, housing and food) and indirect costs (books, travel, supplies etc.).
Demonstrated Financial Need
A family's ability to pay as calculated by Dartmouth.
Direct Costs
Educational costs billed by Dartmouth, including tuition, fees, on-campus housing, and food.
Grants and Scholarships
Funds for educational expenses that do not need to be repaid.
Indirect Costs
Out-of-pocket educational expenses such as travel, book, supplies, laundry, etc. These costs will vary and are not billed by Dartmouth.
Net Price
What you will pay to attend for one year of enrollment.