Louis the Puppy

Summer Recap

It's weird to think that an entire year has gone by. I could take this moment to lament how I lost half my first year (Spring and Summer) to COVID-19. There's really a lot I could complain about, but strange thing is, I don't really feel like it.

5 College Essentials That I Swear Actually Make Sense

We've all seen those lists. They always list obvious things like "backpack" or "pencil." Here I try to list items that, if you take my word on it, will actually be useful to your study experience.

Nick's Video Edits

Side Hustle

Since coming to Dartmouth, I've learned so much outside the classroom. I've picked up how to use Photoshop, edit with Premiere Pro, build websites with HTML and CSS, as well as picking up things here and there with Flutter, R, and Bash. 

Nick's Research Demo

Foray into Research

There's an entire database containing projects for every field of study ranging from anthropology to chemistry to film and media to Japanese studies dedicated solely to helping undergraduates find research positions at Dartmouth.
