During my time at Dartmouth, within the realm of medicine specifically, I was able to gain a broader outlook on what careers / optionalities are "really" out there, and I'm here to tell you the resources that were leveraged!
Daniel Kang 2025
I'm ready to be surprised and delighted by my sophomore winter term.
Kalina Duncheva 2027 -
Every subject at Dartmouth has its own specialized subject librarian!
Caroline York 2025 -
One of the staple characteristics of the D-Plan is the off-term, a term in which you are not taking classes! Most students at Dartmouth will take at least one off-term, and this winter happens to be my turn! What will I be doing?
Olivia Koo 2026 -
Unlike some other universities, many of the STEM lecture classes at Dartmouth require concurrent enrollment in a laboratory section. What is it like navigating that time as a student?
Olivia Koo 2026 -
I spent this summer working on campus in a Biology Lab. From conferences to field work, here's everything I got up to!
Matthew Monroe 2027 -
A summer of full-time cognitive science research at PhilLab!
Batuhan Saridede 2026 -
Sophomore summer was a time of deep personal reflection. Here are my reflections on sophomore summer and its serendipitous prospects!
Batuhan Saridede 2026 -