Librarians are the best people to chat with about books: they love books as much as I do, but they know so much more!
Kalina Duncheva 2027
Dartmouth offers robust funding for opportunities in Hanover and beyond.
Caroline York 2025 -
During my time at Dartmouth, within the realm of medicine specifically, I was able to gain a broader outlook on what careers / optionalities are "really" out there, and I'm here to tell you the resources that were leveraged!
Daniel Kang 2025 -
I'm ready to be surprised and delighted by my sophomore winter term.
Kalina Duncheva 2027 -
Every subject at Dartmouth has its own specialized subject librarian!
Caroline York 2025 -
One of the staple characteristics of the D-Plan is the off-term, a term in which you are not taking classes! Most students at Dartmouth will take at least one off-term, and this winter happens to be my turn! What will I be doing?
Olivia Koo 2026 -
Unlike some other universities, many of the STEM lecture classes at Dartmouth require concurrent enrollment in a laboratory section. What is it like navigating that time as a student?
Olivia Koo 2026 -
I spent this summer working on campus in a Biology Lab. From conferences to field work, here's everything I got up to!
Matthew Monroe 2027 -
A summer of full-time cognitive science research at PhilLab!
Batuhan Saridede 2026