Kalina Duncheva
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Kalina's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: HUM 1: Dialogues with the ClassicsInstead of taking a normal Writing 5 course, I decided to fulfill my first-year writing requirement by taking HUM 1. This course helped me strengthen my relationship to literature and writing. It changed the way in which I thought about classics, both books and movies (we saw Wall-E, by the way). And it also changed the way I thought about academic writing and literary criticism. A third of the course was made up of lectures by professors from different departments, while the other two thirds were discussions with a single professor and a small group of 15 students.
WinterHanover, NH
Favorite Class: PSYC 6: Introduction to NeuroscienceIntro to Neuroscience was the first course I was truly excited about. It wasn't an easy course; we had a weekly quiz of ten to thirteen questions covering the lectures from the past few days, but it was very interesting and also very funny (Professor Winter's humor is legendary). We learned about the human brain at the level of individual cells. We also studied it at the level of different systems, from the olfactory system to the parasympathetic nervous system. And last, we learned about cognition: learning, attention, language. We saw a real human brain with formaldehyde dripping from it. We saw a real sheep's brain. And a rat's brain. And we pocked each other with paper clips to determine the sensitivity of our touch receptors.
SpringHanover, NH
Favorite Class: ENGL 6: JournalismJournalism with Professor Alexis Jetter was an enjoyable class, sometimes challenging but very satisfying. We covered a lot of US history through the lens of the media, and we started every class with a discussion of the current news and events (thanks to these discussions, I feel like a real adult now—not so lost when the conversation turns toward politics). Several guest lecturers—from former students of Professor Jetter who're now journalists to a New York Times war correspondent—brought us real stories from the field. In the middle of the term, each of us had to find someone over 30 years old in the Upper Valley, spend a day with them, and write a profile.
SummerSofia, Bulgaria
I'm spending my first summer back home, helping my family care for my newborn sister. In my free time (changing diapers takes a lot of time!), I'm doing research for the cognitive neuroscience lab FINN Lab, preparing for my classes in the fall, and working on a new book.
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: PSYC 40: Introduction to Computational NeuroscienceComputational Neuroscience with Professor Richard Granger is a multidisciplinary course taught by a multidisciplinary professor and designed for multidisciplinary thinkers. The class covered brain anatomy and physiology and the biology of learning; it covered linear algebra and the architectures and characteristics of several neural networks. Last, we had a module on "brain engineering"—how some brain circuits function and how we can get inspired by them as engineers.
WinterHanover, NH
Favorite Class: COSC 30: Discrete Math for Computer ScienceThe first focus of Discrete Math for Computer Science was learning to think like a mathematician: how do we use logic to find proofs to problems and our solutions? Next, we learned how to apply this thinking in computer science contexts — how do you prove that a recursive program works? How do you prove what its run-time is going to be? These were the kind of skills we were building in preparation for the next course in the theoretical computer science sequence: Algorithms. Before we can build algorithms, we need to know how to think about the steps we need to take to solve problems with the rigor of mathematical logic.
Getting Ready for Sophomore Winter
I'm ready to be surprised and delighted by my sophomore winter term.
Finding the Right Research Project
Loads of research projects can be a good fit for a student, but it turned out that some can be an excellent fit…
An International Student's Experience with Greek Life
Read on to learn about my journey to Alpha Theta, a gender inclusive Greek house
If I could rewrite my Why Dartmouth essay: Sophomore Edition
Dartmouth can win your heart in many ways, but it's always the people I meet here who win my heart.
Unpacking the Meaning of "Research Opportunities"
Here's my favorite aspect of undergraduate research at Dartmouth (and some cool views from my favorite study spot)
Behind the Scenes of PSYC 40: Computational Neuroscience
Let me take you on a walk around Occom Pond and tell you about my favorite class this term.
A Week of Midterms with a Flavor of Archery
Read on for some funny anecdotes from my midterms-heavy Week 7.
General Physics Highlight (Extra Fall Edition)
Read on to learn why I'd qualify PHYS 3 as a fun class. (Plus read to see some cool pictures of fall in Hanover.)
Middle of Quarter Reflections
Read on to learn about my first five weeks of this term—they were very busy but delightful!
My First Flora and Fauna Trip as a Coleader
The Dartmouth Outing Club has been one of the pillars of my Dartmouth experience. This weekend I changed POVs and lived the adventure through the eyes of a leader.