I've never felt the saying, "Time flies" more strongly than now. How am I already halfway through my Dartmouth career? This winter marks the end of my 6th out of my total 12 terms, the halfway point of my Dartmouth journey.
Cal Shin 2027
I have really enjoyed pushing myself to really learn and grow in my Winter Term classes! Join me as I talk about which classes I am in right now.
Serena Goldstein 2028 -
There is a huge variety of classes and teaching styles at Dartmouth and my courses this term exemplify just that!
Eloise Taylor 2028 -
Winter term has already started, so it's time to give a review of my classes in the first week!
Cooper Ballard 2028 -
Ways I've learned at Dartmouth outside of classes!
Nathan Hammerschmitt Le Gal 2027 -
Let me tell you all about the course election process at Dartmouth!
Cooper Ballard 2028 -
It's finals week at Dartmouth. After spending 10 weeks here, I'm reflecting on my education experience at Dartmouth.
Taoheng (Tao) Chen 2028 -
My first fall term is officially over! Here's a recap of my past 10 weeks and all the fun I had!
Eloise Taylor 2028 -
It's hard to believe that it has been a year since I wrote my first end-of-fall-term reflection. It felt like only yesterday that I stepped into my dorm room this September, eager to reunite with my friends.
Cal Shin 2027