Madison Wuu
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A Carnival to Remember
It truly does feel like a winter wonderland! Join me as I recap my first Winter Carnival at Dartmouth.
An Appreciation Post for my Scooter
Hear my thoughts as I bid farewell to my scooter now that winter term has officially arrived.
My Ranking of Restaurants in Hanover's Town
Have you ever wondered what restaurants Dartmouth has nearby? Read on to hear about some of my top five favorite restaurants in the area.
A Recap of my First Fall Term
Let me fill you in as you read about how my first term went!
My First Homecoming Weekend!
Dartmouth is a school rich in traditions. Read about my experience attending Homecoming, one of the school's biggest traditions, for the first time.
My Top 8 Favorite Foods and Drinks in Photos
Unlimited buffets, flavorful drinks, an assortment of breakfast pastries—Dartmouth has so many great food and drink options to choose from! Join me as I rank my favorite ones.
Hiking in the Fall!
Join me as I share my experience hiking Quechee Gorge and Gile Mountain during the fall term.
Chinese is fun!
Feeling nervous about taking a language class at Dartmouth? Read on for reassurance on why you shouldn't be!
Dartmouth's Incredible Alumni Network
Read about the extensive networking and internship opportunities I encountered as an incoming student first-year—even before arriving at Dartmouth for my first fall!
Home Sweet French
Curious about what living in the River Cluster is like? Read on to hear about my experience in French Hall and love for the community.