Dartmouth Librarians: Where Passion Meets Knowledge
Except for my professors, most people I see on campus are in their twenties (or act as though they're in their twenties), so every interaction I have with a grown-up–which feels so rare on campus–is memorable.
This week, I spent a morning with Dartmouth librarian Rachel Starr in the Hanover bookstore and cafe Still North. Rachel and I met my first-year winter because she wanted to highlight my self-published fantasy book at the library. In the spring, she then organized a book-reading event for me and the Muslim Chaplain and Associate Director of the Tucker Center, Abdul Latif (who also self-published a fantasy novel). You can read about this event and other authors I've met on campus here.
Last fall, Rachel organized another event at the library that I was much looking forward to attending: Book Recommendation Swap. A couple of students and a couple of librarians gathered in Baker-Berry (the main library at Dartmouth) and chatted about their favorite books. Rachel also showed us ways to organize our reading, books and articles, and our notes.
I now hold the opinion that librarians are the best people to discuss books with. Librarians probably aren't better readers than the rest of us (or maybe they are, let me know if you know). But I find their combination of bookish passion (they're simply in love with books and so am I) and knowledgeable turns of phrase invigorating. Surely a lot of people are passionate about books, but librarians, I've noticed, also know how to talk about books.

Rachel and I didn't have an academic conversation this Tuesday; we had a normal conversation, a simple chat between friends, yet it was a very eye-opening discussion because she knows how to explain and recognize important phenomena in the world of reading and being a reader that other people who haven't spent as much time thinking about books wouldn't know how to use.
This is one of my favorite things about Dartmouth: whoever I talk to, I always learn a fresh way to see something simply because people here are excited. They're excited about what they do, and they manage to channel the intellectual density of their interests into day-to-day conversations. And thus, life at Dartmouth is never boring.