A weekend of embracing the cold and finding fun activities to do! From winning money at a game show to the Annual Snowball Fight, this weekend is a core memory of my experience with Dartmouth winters!
Yehalah Fernando 2026
As someone from the West Coast, it's been crazy to see how snow is actually real!
Dezstany Garcia 2028 -
I've been in China for the last two weeks—embracing Dartmouth's adventurous spirit; come check out some of the places I've visited!
Taoheng (Tao) Chen 2028 -
Homecoming has been nothing but short of a warm experience; let me take you along!
Taoheng (Tao) Chen 2028 -
Follow along as I list some random highlights from the Fall term!
Chase Harvey 2025 -
The Dartmouth Outdoor Club (DOC) is the nation's oldest and largest collegiate outdoor club. Here's how I have interacted with the DOC this fall!
Taoheng (Tao) Chen 2028 -
Here is a glimpse of my summer studying abroad in the Baltic states—Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia—through a photo journal.
Joanna Jou 2026 -
My sophomore summer interning near Toledo, Ohio and what I did to keep myself occupied!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
As much as I love studying abroad on Dartmouth's Full Immersion in Rome Italian program, I also really miss campus! Here's a look back at some of the places I can't wait to get back to soon.
Lauren Groulx 2027