Dezstany Garcia
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Dezstany's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallHanover, NH
Favorite Class: NAIS 25 Indian Country TodayThis course was one of the reasons I chose to apply early decision to Dartmouth! I know, how could one course even influence such a big decision? Hearing Professor Duthu describe cases regarding the dispossession of Native tribes, the cultural tensions that many Native youth experience because of the effects of the Doctrine of Discovery, and economic development issues amongst many Native reservations made me edge out of my seat with excitement. The description did not disappoint because although it is one of my earliest classes, I always find myself running to class to learn something new. Professor Duthu presents in a way that wakes you up, makes you laugh, and encourages you to ask some pretty tough questions about tribal regulations. It has been extremely interesting how "bullets of the past are hitting present targets", meaning that many federal policies that happened decades ago still have very noticeable impacts in Indian Country (land in which tribal members own or previously occupied). I love being able to schedule office hours for any leftover questions. Would definitely recommend it!!
Studying Abroad? How Do I Even Apply!?
Everyone talks about studying abroad or their adventures once returning back to campus. But what does the application process really look like?
Are you hungry for hot cheetos and cheese? I know it may sound a little funny but it's a perfect treat while playing lotería, come and grab a card!
Three Classes
"Only three classes?!" The typical response I get from someone outside of Dartmouth. Come and join as I describe how those three classes actually feel in a ten week term!
Career Resources and Thinking about Jobs after Dartmouth
Where can I find internships? How do resumes and LinkedIn work in college? Am I behind if I do not have it all figured out my first year? All great questions so let's get them answered…
As someone from the West Coast, it's been crazy to see how snow is actually real!
- No. 1
Dartmouth Hall
This photo was taken right in front of Dartmouth Hall. This winter, I am taking my Writing 05 course, a required writing course for all first year students. I am super excited because this class covers the historical foundations of Dartmouth. As you can see, students are already out and about this week!
- No. 2
This photo was taken in front of McNutt. This photo was pretty special as I took it before my first day of work at the CPD Lab. The CPD Lab is relatively new and offers career support services such as LinkedIn advice, resume reviews, and more! My personal favorite is our headshot station where you can receive a personal headshot from a professional camera in seconds!
- No. 3
First Generation Office
This photo is taken from the window of the First Generation Office; this office is extremely helpful, providing a study space yet also serving as a place of gathering for many first generation students on campus. I am currently waiting for a meeting with one of our lovely advisors to go over my resume and LinkedIn! I did not create a LinkedIn account until arriving at Dartmouth, so I am beyond grateful for having the opportunity to be guided by such amazing professionals.
How to become a People Places Pines blogger
A lot of fellow students and friends have asked me the question: "how did you join the People Places Pines team?" Let me tell you how students can join the team!
"And with that, the 2024 Dartmouth Season Comes to an End..."
How would you describe your 2024 Dartmouth experience in one word?
Welcome Home Class of 2029!
Yup, you did it! Welcome to the Big Green family, we are so proud of you!
"Winterim:" What does it mean?
Most students have to go back to college after Thanksgiving to take their finals, but not at Dartmouth! We have a six-week winter break, known as "winterim!" Let me tell you how I spent my winterim!