Join me as we attend a Brovertones concert during Winterim! The Brovertones are just one of Dartmouth's many amazing acapella groups. I saw them perform during their East Coast tour.
Serena Goldstein 2028
This fall, Dartmouth provided me with incredible opportunities to get involved in politics. I registered as a New Hampshire voter, joined civic organizations, canvassed, and more! Read on to follow my journey leading up to Election Day!
Reece Sharp 2028 -
Love ballet, hate dancing, quit ten years ago, or anything in between? Read on to learn about my experience with Dartmouth Classical Ballet!
Reece Sharp 2028 -
Join me on a journey to the Dartmouth Organic Farm as I attempt to make pizza with the Farm Club in their very own pizza oven!
Reece Sharp 2028 -
I'm starting my sophomore year feeling more grounded and clear about my academic and personal goals after a whirlwind first year of exploration. This fall, I'm excited for new experiences!
Taylor Wen 2027 -
A highlight of Sophomore Summer is the opportunity to participate in activities that you're usually unable to do—most notably, dance, acapella, and comedy! Here's my experience being in a summer dance group!
Olivia Koo 2026 -
Looking for a niche activity to express your creative side? Dartmouth College Radio (WebDCR) is the perfect choice for music-listeners and tech-lovers alike!
Brendilou Armstrong 2026 -
I've been a member of Dartmouth's mock trial team since the beginning of Fall term. Now that the competitive season is officially over, here's a recap of all of the stuff we did this year!
Matthew Monroe 2027