Club Spotlight: Dartmouth Undergraduate Science Olympiad
Many years ago, during the academic year of 2017-2018, students in Dartmouth's School of Graduate and Advanced Studies hosted their first Science Olympiad Invitational Tournament on campus. Unfortunately, several years went by with no such competitions since, making Dartmouth the only Ivy League university without an annual invitational tournament.
Fast forward seven years. During the spring of 2024, a group of undergraduates came together as a small group wanting to fix this. Most of us had been involved with the Science Olympiad organization as competitors during middle and/or high school, and we felt that it was a shame our involvement with the organization had to stop at college. While we were no longer able to compete in events, we thought it would be meaningful to give back to the community that gave so much to us by hosting our own events for local schools. We met up to discuss logistics and held elections, and I became the organization's first treasurer. It was there that the club, now known as Dartmouth Undergraduate Science Olympiad, was born.
Recognition as a new student organization did not stop there. During the summer of 2024, the team met up virtually to form a constitution, design logos, and determine the specifics behind getting Council on Student Organizations (COSO) recognition. All of our hard work paid off in the fall of 2024 when our student organization officially became COSO-recognized.
While COSO recognition was a big win, our main purpose was to host an invitational tournament. During the fall and winter terms, we were hard at work behind-the-scenes to make our first invitational tournament a successful one. We wrote challenging tests for different events, coordinated logistics, and schedules for the competitors, and designed merchandise for participants and volunteers. Organizing a tournament at this scale was no small feat. Fortunately, after almost a year of planning, the big day finally came. Thanks to our dedication, the tournament was a success, and we are excited to make this a tradition for years to come.