Reece Sharp
Stick Season? How about Election Season?
When I arrived at Dartmouth this term, I had one big goal: to vote in New Hampshire. As a California girl, I knew I wanted to re-register in a more purple state, so when I arrived on campus in September, one of my first stops was the Town Hall to register as a New Hampshire voter. My next stop was the clubs fair, where I eagerly signed up for three groups to get involved this election season: Dartmouth Civics, Dartmouth Democrats, and the Let Us Lead Fellowship!
- Dartmouth Civics is a non-partisan organization on campus that tries to engage our student body civically. We host voter registration drives and tabling events to explain how to vote as a student, and we conduct walking trains to get students to the polls on election day.
- Dartmouth Democrats is a partisan club and a chapter of the larger College Democrats organization. This election season, we have been working closely with "Organize New Hampshire," the organization in this state dedicated to electing Democrats up and down the ballot!
- Let Us Lead is a student fellowship program dedicated to electing local progressive candidates. Fellows have the chance to work hands-on in local campaigns and become active participants in local politics.
Over the past few months, I've had the incredible opportunity to work with all three of these organizations, and it's been a truly transformative experience. I'd love to share a glimpse of my journey this election season, so without further ado, here's a day-by-day retelling of my week leading up to Election Day!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024:
On the Tuesday before Election Day, I drove twenty minutes north to Orford, NH. I was there to canvas for Jolene Farmer, the Democratic candidate for state representative in Grafton 6. As a Let Us Lead fellow, I spent the fall term working on Jolene's campaign, helping with both door-knocking and phone banking to reach potential voters. Seven days before Election Day, four of us fellows drove up to Orford to door-knock in various neighborhoods.

Once we were done, we drove into Vermont and stopped at Broken Hearts Burger, a diner with some of the best fried pickles in the world.

At Dartmouth, there are countless opportunities to get off campus and explore the surrounding areas. I've been able to explore the Upper Valley and its various delicious food spots through my fellowship, but many of my friends travel off campus with their sports teams or through the Dartmouth Outing Club! No matter what you do, you will have the opportunity to explore.
Wednesday, October 30, 2024:
On Wednesday, I got the opportunity to meet Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. He was in New Hampshire to promote the Harris-Walz ticket, and stopped by Dartmouth for an hour to talk to Students.

I was invited through my involvement with Dartmouth Democrats and "Organize New Hampshire," but many other students were also invited through their involvement with other organizations.
Thursday, October 31, 2024:
This term, Dartmouth has hosted a program called the "2024 Election Speaker Series." Over the past few months, prominent figures such as Sherrilyn Ifill, Bill Kristol, and U.S. Sen. John Fetterman have come to speak on campus.

On Thursday, Mike Pence visited campus, and I was lucky enough to get a ticket (they're free!). Although I disagree with his politics, it was very interesting to hear from the Former Vice President, and I am so fortunate to attend a school that grants me these opportunities.
Friday, November 1 to Saturday, November 2, 2024:
On Friday and Saturday, I took a mini break from phone banking and canvassing to celebrate my first Homecoming Weekend, a longstanding tradition at Dartmouth.
Sunday, November 3, 2024:
On Sunday, I spent my morning doing GOTV (Get Out The Vote) work. I met up with other students at Novack, our library cafe, and then we split up to walk around campus to encourage students to make a voting plan!
Monday, November 4, 2024:
On Monday, I participated in a tabling session with Dartmouth Civics! Almost every day, for the weeks leading up to the election, Dartmouth Civics—a nonpartisan organization—hosted tabling sessions where they would explain to students how to vote and what information they needed to register. In the afternoon, I then drove to Orford to canvas for Jolene for the final push!
Tuesday, November 5, 2024:
Election Day! I started the morning bright and early at Collis—our student center, to host a Walking Train. Every election day—presidential, midterms, primary—Dartmouth Civis hosts Walking Trains to the polls. As a group, you dress up in "flair"—a mix between costume and neon dress (many, many accessories)—play music, and hold signs as we walk to our local polling station.

In the afternoon, I drove to Orford to stand outside the polls. I was there for my Let Us Lead fellowship to support Jolene Farmer's campaign. We held signs, played music, and answered voters' questions about Jolene!

Afterward, we stopped by Broken Heart Burger, where I got my very first poutine. Although it wasn't traditional, it was definitely delicious. Oh, and, of course, we got pickles!

Coming back to Hanover, I stopped by Rocky—our public policy center—for their election watch party. I then returned to my dorm to watch the rest of the results roll in the comfort of my home away from home. By midnight, I was in bed because I really needed sleep after a week of work!
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