Griselda Chavez
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Griselda's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallOn Campus
Favorite Class: SOCY 48: Immigration, Race & EthnicityAlthough the topic and issues were not completely new to me, I was able to learn more about why current immigration policies existed and the history behind several immigration policies. I absolutely loved the class because Professor Kim was passionate about the course, and the numerous readings we were assigned were very insightful and encouraged class discussions.
WinterOn Campus
Favorite Class: EDUC 20: Educational Issues Contemporary SocietyThe course centers on the educational issues of public school systems and how by creating certain policies or programs we can improve schools and use them as a tool to promote social mobility and equity. The students who took the class were always very passionate to discuss and came from a variety of majors and educational backgrounds, thus enriching class discussions. Furthermore, I loved that Professor Wheelan encouraged us throughout the entire term to "think outside of the box" and inspired us to continue pushing for more change.
SpringOn Campus
Favorite Class: ECON 1: The Price System: Analysis, Problems, and PoliciesDuring the spring term, I was very confused as to what major I wanted to pursue and decided to give economics an opportunity, never expecting that I would enjoy it. Professor Petre did an amazing job of demonstrating how economics could and is used for social issues like environmentalism, minimum wage, and discrimination. Learning about the concepts and employing them was very important to me because I felt like I could learn how to best help communities.
A Freshman's Reflection on Her Fall Term
Read all about my course selection for freshman fall! In order to mask my panic at the idea of it already being week 7 and having to once again choose classes, I decided to reflect on the classes I chose this term.
Un Poco Loco for POCO
There are several organizations on campus for students to participate in that it can sometimes be overwhelming. Thankfully, I was able to find People of Color Outdoors (POCO), which has been a great community to be a part of!
- No. 1
Trips, Trips & More Trips!
The DOC is a large club that is split off into sub-clubs that focus on several different types of activities and host “trips” which can be described as outdoor excursions or activities. There are various sub-clubs that students can participate in such as Women in the Wilderness, Organic Farm, Mountain Biking, etc. POCO doesn’t focus on a specific field rather, it brings people of color together to try a variety of different outdoor activities. By being a part of POCO I was able to feel comfortable with a group of people and sign up for trips that have interested me. Through POCO I was able to learn how to ride an e-bike and bike to Gile Mountain where we admired the peak fall foliage. Having never ridden an e-bike, it was a very stressful experience but the trip leaders were very kind and helpful for those that struggled a bit more than others. I was able to meet several new people and enjoy a beautiful view! There have also been trips to bike to the Organic Farm on campus, paddle the Connecticut River and go hiking.
- No. 2
Meals on the Green
According to the upperclassmen I have met, “feeds” are club dinners where students can cook up some meals for each other and relax with other club members. Because of social distancing and other regulations, “feeds” look different from before; however, POCO is still making the effort to provide this experience for students. Each week, the social chairs of the club host events where students can meet new people and grab dinner. In one of the “feeds” I attended, we grabbed dinner from FOCO and enjoyed a socially-distanced meal on the Green (the main lawn area for hangouts) while watching the sunset. In another, we played a game of spikeball--a game I had never heard of. Having time to meet up with other club members during the weekend has been a great way to re-energize and get ready for the upcoming week of overwhelming homework assignments.
- No. 3
Building Connections
One of the things I love most about POCO is that the friendships we make in the club extend past the trips POCO leads. We don’t meet only during club meetings, several of us have similar interests, are in the same classes, or we stumble upon each other in trips led by other sub-clubs. POCO helps strengthen the friendships we make and offers us the opportunity to build relationships with others. For instance, this past weekend I decided to participate in a canoeing trip with the Ledyard Club not knowing who was attending. To my surprise, a fellow POCO member was participating. It is nice walking around campus and participating in activities where you see familiar faces.
Attention All First-Generation & Low-Income Students!
To those who may question whether applying is the right choice: yes! If you are looking for a sign to apply, this is it. Hear from a first-generation, low-income Chicana about why it's important to take a risk and apply.
How I Am Becoming A Better Person & Student
When applying to college, research what the college you are applying to will do to best support you! In this post, I share a few of the numerous resources Dartmouth has provided me with to become a better me.
Staying Busy in These Unprecedented Times
Although there are certain adventures and activities we cannot do, students are still able to have a busy time at Dartmouth. Read all about how I and other students stay busy despite social distancing!
- No. 1
Being One With Nature
Being so disconnected from nature back home, it feels so strange now being surrounded by nothing but nature. I had not predicted to be as thankful as I am now to be in such a remote location, but the environment has definitely been able to calm me down whenever I get too stressed. Because of the pandemic, I had imagined students would be limited to the outdoor activities; however, the Dartmouth Outing Club (DOC) has done the most to assure that students are able to participate in numerous outdoor activities, such as kayaking, hiking, stargazing, etc. while being safe. During the weekend, I was able to sign-up for a canoeing session and canoe with one of my floormates down the Connecticut River. This experience highlighted how easy it is to be one with nature at no cost! Not only did I get to learn something new, but it was also a great way for me to take a break from my studies.
- No. 2
Applications, Meetings, and More Applications!
Amidst all of the euphoria with transitioning to college, I forgot how many informational meetings I would have to attend to learn more about clubs on campus. As classes started, organizations on campus also hosted various sessions and applications for interested students. Therefore, most evenings I could be found glued to my computer hopping in and out of Zoom calls to find the clubs that would best fit me. There are also more opportunities to be involved on campus beside joining clubs! I was able to hear about Dartmouth's Center for Social Impact and their first-year program, Foundations, which focuses on helping first-year students become leaders and offers them the opportunity to learn about non-profits while working closely with them. For some activities, I had to complete surveys and forms; however, there were also other opportunities that required me to do some more research and complete applications.
- No. 3
Relaxing With A Movie Night
Although a lot has changed in Dartmouth's community, at the same time, it feels like not much has changed. My college research last year had always described Dartmouth as displaying a "tight-knit community," and although it looks a bit different this year, I can still see the resemblance. The college has planned and hosted several forms of engagement to offer students the ability to socialize with classmates and get to meet people. This week, the UGAs (undergraduate advisors, similar to RAs) hosted a movie night with free popcorn (!!) to enjoy the end of the week and regain energy for the third week of school. Some other events hosted by the Programming Board and the college have been Bingo Night with amazing prizes (TV's, AirPods, lamps, etc.), yoga sessions, and scavenger hunts! These simple events have really made me feel included in the student body and have demonstrated to me that the college and upperclassmen are still doing what they can to make our transition to college fun and exciting.
Navigating A Smaller & Greener Community
New blogger here! Take a minute or two to learn a little bit about who I am and embark on this journey with me.