Read to learn more about being an international student worker on campus!
Eda Naz Gokdemir 2025
Bound is a unique fly-in summer program offered by Dartmouth. It's truly a valuable experience; I couldn't be more grateful for the Bound community.
Chelsea Mills 2026 -
The adventures of a South Asian girl, approximately 13,718km away from home, shivering in weather that apparently "isn't that cold" and navigating college as a first-generation student! Welcome to the story of my life at Dartmouth.
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
In what ways does Dartmouth make the campus experience affordable for students (beyond financial aid)?
A:In many ways, I think that Dartmouth is super accessible money-wise so I'm glad that you asked. Here are some things that Dartmouth or Dartmouth organizations have done to make the campus experience affordable for me!
Love Tsai 2023 -
To those who may question whether applying is the right choice: yes! If you are looking for a sign to apply, this is it. Hear from a first-generation, low-income Chicana about why it's important to take a risk and apply.
Griselda Chavez 2024 -
New blogger here! Take a minute or two to learn a little bit about who I am and embark on this journey with me.
Griselda Chavez 2024 -
Each week in the month of April, student bloggers will be bringing you "First-Gen Friday" — a series of interviews with current Dartmouth students who are the first in their families to have a traditional four-year college experience.
Robin Martinez 2023