I noticed a free paddle boarding lesson sponsored by the Outdoor Programs Office (OPO) at Dartmouth and made the 20-minute trek from my Topliff dorm to Ledyard Canoe Club, situated right on the Connecticut River.
Diana D'Souza 2023
Here is an inside look on the culture of Dartmouth through the perspective of a low-income first-year student! I talk about professors, financial aid, and offer some pieces of advice!
Kiara Ortiz 2024 -
In what ways does Dartmouth make the campus experience affordable for students (beyond financial aid)?
A:In many ways, I think that Dartmouth is super accessible money-wise so I'm glad that you asked. Here are some things that Dartmouth or Dartmouth organizations have done to make the campus experience affordable for me!
Love Tsai 2023 -
Snow, snow, snow, and more snow! Although my courses have definitely been difficult to manage, I have still been able to participate in some ~cool~ activities and admire winter in Hanover.
Griselda Chavez 2024 -
Here are some ways to get involved with music at Dartmouth!
Robin Martinez 2023 -
If you meet the prerequisites, Questbridge is an amazing opportunity that you should take advantage of. I know I did and, to this day, I believe it was the best decision I made as a high school student.
Robin Martinez 2023 -
Each week in the month of April, student bloggers will be bringing a post to you called "First-Gen Friday" — a series of interviews with current Dartmouth students who are the first in their families to attend college.
Robin Martinez 2023 -
Looking back at my housing selection process, I realized there is very little information available about the LLCs. I wrote this blog post to tell you five reasons why I love the Humanities LLC.
Diana D'Souza 2023 -
I am earning my PE credit in my second term of college — by snowboarding.
Robin Martinez 2023