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I am writing this blog post as I enter the third week of my internship at Breakthrough SJC. I want to preface by saying how lucky I am to have been given the opportunity to work with such amazing students and teaching fellows. Dartmouth truly aided me tremendously in my preparation for this internship for the summer. 

I have had some time to reflect on my first year at Dartmouth and I miss everything a ton. I miss the friends that I met over the months and the relationships that I have cultivated. I miss the professors that believed in me throughout the busy terms. I miss the close-knit environment that defines our Dartmouth community. After spending a couple of months off campus, all I can think about are the happy and genuine memories that I experienced at the College. 

I am looking forward to the fall term and learning a ton more. I am still deciding on my major, but I know for certain that I will be supported no matter what pathway I end up choosing. I look forward to catching up with my professors, friends, and mentors. I am writing this blog post as a reflection on my Dartmouth experience and my excitement for the upcoming fall term. 

If there are any prospective students or '26s reading this post, my biggest advice is to live in the moment and to take advantage of every opportunity and memory on campus. I have grown so much this past year and truly loved working with Breakthrough SJC thus far. I have learned so much, and am forever grateful for Dartmouth's support in preparing me with the resources for this moment. I feel prepared for this fall term and to continue to grow and learn academically, professionally, and personally. Thank you for reading my life updates and welcome to the woods, '26s!

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