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Orange sunset over Tuck Drive

Well, it's been two years. Looking back on my arrival at Dartmouth, I realize it does not feel so long ago. My sophomore year swept by faster than I could have imagined. At the same time, I have grown and learned so much over these two years.

Sophomore fall was undoubtedly the most difficult term so far. Not because of the classes I was taking—I enjoyed them very much—it was just daunting to realize that I was not a first-year anymore. I had spent a year on campus and should know my way around. I felt I should be sure of my interests and should have a clear plan for my future. Well, these were my thoughts at the time. The campus felt different than in my first year. It was all so familiar, and yet, I did not feel comfortable. I struggled with navigating these emotions for some weeks. Thankfully, I had and still have a great support system at Dartmouth that helped me through this uncertain time. 

After my much-needed trip home to Sri Lanka over the winter break, I entered winter term apprehensive that it may be similar to my fall experience. I was completely wrong; it turned out to be my favorite term at Dartmouth! This comes as a surprise to me, particularly because of my dislike for cold weather. I was taking two STEM classes with lab components, but I loved what I was learning and I really enjoyed the term. 

My spring term in Berlin was amazing, to say the least. I got to explore a whole new culture and continent. Most importantly, I was studying about renewable energy and sustainable development. I must say that I missed Dartmouth a lot. Being away from friends and community was difficult but worth the experience. I was, however, devastated to miss Green Key, where Shaggy performed! Not being on campus also meant that I didn't fully realize my second year was coming to an end. I was too busy and excited to be abroad to comprehend this milestone! 

It saddens me to be halfway done with my Dartmouth experience. Reflecting on the past two years has made me deeply appreciative of the wonderful communities I have made at Dartmouth. I cannot wait to be back in Hanover for the fall term for the second leg of my journey.

An image of a purple and pink sunset behind a dorm building
The view near my sophomore-year dorm!

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