How do Dartmouth Students Spend their First Summer? (Part 2)
Research Opportunities
Dartmouth provides a wealth of research opportunities for students during the summer. Many of my friends who opt to stay on campus for the summer term are participating as research assistants in faculty-led projects. They are involved in part-time research assistantship programs such as URAD (Undergraduate Research Assistantships at Dartmouth). One of my friends, an aspiring computer science major, will be taking part in the E.E. Just Summer Internship Program. This program offers Dartmouth students the chance to engage in full-time research with Dartmouth faculty across a 10-week period. Another friend of mine, who has a keen interest in the humanities, will be conducting ethnographic research in Sichuan, China. This opportunity comes after her class in Ethnography and Religion, which provides her with the necessary academic skills for field research. Her project is supported by the Leslie Center for Humanities Research Grant and the Thomas D. Sayles Research Grant from the Ethics Institute.

Study Abroad/On-Campus Term
Summer term at Dartmouth offers transformative opportunities for study abroad, with popular options including the Language Study Abroads (LSA+) in Beijing, Berlin, and Rome. As a Beijinger myself, I'm particularly excited to welcome my friends to my hometown! Opting for study abroad during summer is an attractive choice since later academic years may require committing to internships, which can limit the opportunity to participate in these enriching experiences.
Additionally, some of my peers choose to spend their summer taking classes on campus. This decision may be driven by a desire to complete distributive requirements sooner, graduate early, or simply to take extra time to explore their interests and prepare more thoroughly for future internships or research opportunities. Whether it's venturing abroad or staying on campus, spending the summer at Dartmouth can be incredibly rewarding.