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A remote student's desk

On a typical weekday, I have my alarm set at 10 a.m. Myanmar is about 11 hours ahead of Eastern Time, so classes usually end around 3 a.m for me. To accommodate for students in completely different time zones, professors are happy to talk to you and let you take classes asynchronously. However, I enjoy being present at lectures so I try to work around time conflicts as much as I can. This means that students like me need to be extra careful with planning out our day and in particular, our sleep schedules.

Large Calender
Take a look at my "blown-out" calendar! Definitely a must in this remote term!

One strategy I've used to cope with this is to draw out a "blown-up" calendar on a large drawing pad. A planner or a to-do list would work as well, but I love playing around with my markers to color-code or symbolize my classes/activities for the day! As soon as I wake up, I head over to my calendar and try to visualize my schedule for the day. This is also excellent stress relief because it reminds me that no matter how hectic the week looks, I'm taking it one day at a time—slowly but surely.

While having breakfast, I browse through my emails and make note of the ones I have to respond to later. If there're club meetings or social events I'm interested in, Timezone Converter really comes in handy for remote students like me to see what time events would translate to. As a remote learner, it's important to plan around your responsibilities as a student, a leader, or a club member. However, your well-being and health is always your priority. Can't make it to meetings or events because of the ghastly time difference? Email them! Club leaders and faculty are more than happy to keep you in the loop through social media platforms or one-on-one check-ins!  


Healthy Late Night Snack
Check out my late night snack of fried egg, strawberries, avocado, and apples! Quick, easy, and delicious~

By around 6 pm, I've made sure to have dinner and a good rest. Settling into my room, I start working on my assignments while the sounds of my family talking downstairs provide a soothing background noise. As classes progress through the night, I like to keep some snacks at bay for a much needed energy boost. If I have a longer break, I'll make myself a healthy snack with some apples, avocado, carrots, fried egg, and bread. Quick and easy—try it out yourself!  

Once my last class ends, I'm ready to jump straight to bed and call it a day. My unconventional schedule is definitely not the easiest, but one thing I've been doing a lot more in the remote term is communicating with my professors about my difficulties. If I'm unable to make it to office hours, I make sure to schedule an appointment with my professor at a time that works for both of us. I make it a point to go through recorded lectures and share my questions with my study group. In a way, remote learning has really made me take more responsibility of my own learning. Whether it is trying to balance out a new sleep schedule, asking to meet with a professor separately, or getting support from those around me, I'm constantly growing as a student, even if I am miles away from campus.

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