Term Wrap Up!
The first official term back in person has absolutely flown by. Here are a couple of highlights:
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#1: Performing on Stage
This week, Sugarplum, my contemporary-jazz dance group, had the opportunity to perform together on stage for the first time in almost two years. We do our stage shows in the Hopkins Center for the Arts, which means that the HOP team helps us put on a professional-level show with stylized lighting cues.
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#2: In Person Discussion Groups
I took Government 85.39: Public Opinion and American Foreign Policy this term, which was a two-hour long discussion group that met twice a week. It was one thing to take classes that are lecture based in person and it's a whole other thing to take in person discussion groups. I feel so grateful to have had the opportunity to engage in high level discussion with thirteen of my peers without having the restrictions of Zoom.
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#3 Studying in Sanborn
My little sister really got me into studying in Sanborn, the English Department library, which I believe is the coziest place on campus. It's smaller than the famous Tower Room but has the same charm.
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#4 Sushi Saturday at Foco
One of the best things that Foco (Class of '53 Commons, our cafeteria) offers is free flow sushi from 4 to 7pm on Saturdays. They didn't run it during the pandemic, but it's been back this Fall and I've gotten my FOCO swipe worth of sushi every weekend.
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#5 Walks Around Campus
Being back on campus means that we are back to the typical "facetimey" Dartmouth experience – it's hard to walk anywhere on campus without seeing a friendly face. One of my favorite moments this term was walking around Occum Pond, a small pond on the northern side of campus that is roughly a mile in diameter and bumping into my freshman seminar professor and her three-month-old golden retriever puppy.