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Dartmouth's academics are known for being pretty hard due to the intense courses. Do you think you are still able to balance your workload while having fun?

A: Tulio smiling with Dartmouth sweatshirt

Of course! But it takes a ton of discipline.

Dartmouth's ten-week terms are definitely intense, even with taking the normal 3-course workload. And at some points, you will have to sacrifice some of your fun to focus on your project, essay, or problem set for the week. This, of course, is normal for any period of your life; you have to work hard to play hard. But don't worry! There are many ways to "work hard" that will allow for those times to just have fun. For me, I try to have a set schedule for the week where I have all my classes and any meetings I need to go to listed. I also create a daily to-do list, which helps me feel accomplished and motivated to finish what I have to do for the day. If I can keep up with both of these tasks and not get distracted, I have time for some fun things! Take one of the trips I took during the fall term. Because of the 150th anniversary of the first college football game, Dartmouth football was going to face the Princeton Tigers at the Yankee Stadium. My housing community was offering a paid trip for us to go down there and witness the game and explore New York City. Thanks to some planning and working ahead (which included doing homework on the bus rides there and back), I was able to go and have a great time!

So, it is achievable to have fun and balance your workload, but you have to make sure that you have set goals and follow up on them.

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