French Fun: Birthday Edition
My birthday is January 8th (I'm a Capricorn!!). This year, it fell in the middle of Winter Term Week 1. That meant I had to spend it away from my family. But it also meant I got to spend it with all my amazing friends!
The day started like any other, except I finally got to open the birthday gift bag my mom sent me! It was full of all kinds of goodies and presents, like candy, dorm decorations, and college essentials. My favorite present was the Snowflake Jellycat, perfect for the winter at Dartmouth!

My amazing roommate, Vanessa, also surprised me with a present and card in the morning! She got me the most adorable snail plush and lots of candy and chips. She also made me a sign wishing me "Happy Birthday," which she put on my door while I was sleeping.
After the gifts, I relaxed in my dorm room until class, which wasn't until 12:50 pm! I had time to read my book, watch some TV, and catch up on homework, which was a great way to ease into my day.
Eventually, I went to my two classes of the day, Public Policy 5 and Latin 1. It was only the second day of classes, but so far, I have been really enjoying them!
I finished class around 3 pm and grabbed a late lunch before returning to my dorm room. Once there, I FaceTimed my mom and dad, who wished me a happy birthday! After the call, some friends of mine showed up at my dorm, and we did some schoolwork before dinner.
My two friends, Elah and Layla, invited me to dinner at Courtyard Café, which I could not pass up. Personally, I think Courtyard Café is the best food place on campus. I love the cheese quesadillas!!
After dinner, we walked back to my dorm in French. I walked up the stairs and unlocked the door to a surprise party!!

Thirteen of my closest friends surprised me in my dorm room with a party! There was cake, balloons, and so much food!
They all sang "Happy Birthday" to me, and we ate cake while I asked them all how they had planned the surprise party.
Vanessa, Layla, and Elah, along with my other friends, hatched a plan earlier in the week to surprise me, and it worked! I was so surprised! The party was lovely, and I had so much fun!
We spent the rest of the night taking pictures, eating food, and watching movies. It was the most perfect birthday!