First Week of Winter Classes!
And just like that, the first week of Winter term is done! It already feels as though the term is going by so quickly. Let me give a review of my classes so far!
Monday: On Monday, I had two out of the three of my classes. My first class, at 10:10, was my Environment and Society class, ENVS 3. In this course, we learn all about the interaction between our environment and social, economic, and governmental factors. The class size is perfect, at about 40 people, and it is already so interesting to see how all of these topics intersect! Right after this class is my Writing 5 class, which is a required part of the first-year experience. My specific class title is called "What is Knowledge?", where we explore epistemology, which is the study of knowledge. I am taking this course with the professor I had last term in philosophy, which I am super excited about! After class, I relaxed, got some work done, and caught up with friends that I had not seen since fall term!

Tuesday: I only had one class this day! This course takes place at 2:25, and is my Data Visualization Class, QSS 17. We learn all about the programming language, R, and Professor Horiuchi is incredibly passionate and knowledgeable about the topic. I cannot wait to explore more and delve deep into statistics and how we can use them to figure out issues across the world. Beyond the class, I took time for myself and relaxed, but also made sure to hang out with friends and get meals with them.
Wednesday: On Wednesdays, I actually had all three of my classes! I had ENVS 3, Writing 5, and then my QSS 17 class in the early evening (although we only met for 50 minutes). We began to dive into the content of each course that day, and I can already say that I am going to love each class because what we are learning is just simply so interesting. Throughout the rest of the day, I studied, relaxed, and even celebrated my friend's birthday!
Thursday: Just like Tuesday, I only had my QSS class. We began working on problems related to what we were learning, and I really love how Professor Horiuchi gives us the class time to ask him any questions we have about the work we are doing! Besides class, I hung out with friends essentially the whole day, which was amazing.

Friday: Just like Monday, I had my ENVS 3 and Writing 5 classes, where we continued to dive into content. In Writing 5, we started discussing what exactly knowledge is and how we define it, which was super hard to wrap my head around but also super interesting! Because it was a Friday, I took a break from studying and watched movies with friends. Doing so was such a great way to end the week!
As you can see, my first week went quite well, and I cannot wait for my courses in the future!