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During spring break, I went back to California and reconnected with my family and an old friend from high school. I missed my family a lot (I was in California for two weeks), but now I feel recharged and ready to embark on a new term at Dartmouth. Now, I am back on campus and am taking three classes and juggling my time with my commitments. I will definitely write about my classes in detail in my next blog post! On another note, I am currently serving as the co-chair for the Caribbean Carnival led by the Office of Pluralism and Leadership (OPAL) and am working with a peer to present a speaker for the April 29th Race, Migration, and Sexuality (RMS) Symposium.

As I am reflecting on the first week of my spring term, I want to acknowledge the experiences that I have lived so far. I am still adjusting from the first week, but I am making sure of staying on top of everything. I was jet-lagged for the first couple of days of the term, but I am adjusting back to my normal schedule. This past Friday, I spent a lot of time reconnecting with my friends, and we even made Mickey Mouse pancakes in the Wheeler Basement. I will make sure to add a picture of our creations under this sentence!

Mini Mickey Mouse Pancakes!

Anyways, this week was very busy, and I am very excited to continue on with my spring term. I hope that prospective Dartmouth 26's note the abundance of opportunities and resources here at Dartmouth. You are in control of anything and everything. I hope that by telling a bit about my Dartmouth experience, I can showcase a glimpse of the many things that you can do at Dartmouth. I will update you all about any life updates next week! Ok bye! :)

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