My DartMUN Experience
After reading through my older blog posts, I realized I never highlighted one of my favorite involvements on campus – Dartmouth Model UN. As someone who has participated in similar debate conferences (Model Congress) in high school, DartMUN was something I identified in the first few weeks that I wanted to participate in. We've been working since October to provide a United Nations simulation for over 10 committees with representatives from about 30 different high schools!
I was a co-chair for the World Health Organization alongside another '26 and friend, Emi. Before the conference, we participated in weekly meetings where we selected our topics, (antimicrobial resistance and rural health disparities) practiced parliamentary procedure, drafted background guides that synthesized research for the delegates, and helped with conference logistics. It was very interesting to learn how these conferences work from the back end and see first-hand how much logistical organization is necessary. Not only am I much more appreciative of the chairs/administrators of conferences I've previously attended, but I am also amazed by how motivated Dartmouth students are to give back to organizations that have benefitted them. Many of us have engaged in MUN or a similar extracurricular in high school, so we all worked very hard to inspire and ignite growth in students who represent younger versions of ourselves.
The conference lasted from Friday night to Sunday afternoon with five committee sessions, a few staff meetings, a student panel, and a delegate dance. After the delegates offered their country's positions on the issues in the structured debate, they then worked together to form "blocs" and write resolutions to tackle these global health issues. They identified short-term solutions like mobile health units and improving retention of healthcare workers while also focusing on the long-term by combining country-specific education and research initiatives. We then tasked them with combining their five 'blocs' into two strong directives, encouraging the delegates to identify the most efficient and meaningful solutions to the problem. As someone who has learned about drug resistance in the classroom and participates in rural health research, I was able to broaden my scope on the issues with a newfound global perspective thanks to these inspiring, passionate high school students.

In addition, chairing offered an opportunity to develop as a leader. As an admittedly non-confrontational person, I was tested to set boundaries with the delegates as to what was appropriate and what wasn't. On the other hand, I knew I had to manage expectations and ensure that the environment was welcoming for beginners and engaging for experienced delegates. I learned how to manage the group I was responsible for while responding to feedback from my co-chair and other administrative members of the club.
Overall, I enjoyed my experience as a chair much more than I expected, leaving the conference with fun memories and moments of personal growth. I hope to continue with the club next year, taking on new positions and responsibilities. I recommend it to anyone looking to expand their horizons on global issues and leadership abilities.