Goodbye, 22S
Happy last week of classes!
We are in the home stretch of spring term, and I (once again) cannot believe that ten weeks flew by so quickly. College itself is a marathon, but Dartmouth terms are definitely sprints.
I myself have always liked the fast-paced nature of the quarter system, although I will acknowledge that it is hard to develop a more sustainable lifestyle since things pass by so quickly. I, for example, had wanted to go to the gym more regularly this term since we do pay for membership through our tuition and I think it is important to keep active. It is now Week 10 and I haven't stepped foot in the gym once this term (whoops), because things kept snowballing with four courses, research, extracurriculars, etc. But there is always next term!
After I finish my papers and exams on June 6th, I will officially be a rising senior. That in itself is such a crazy (and scary) thing to think about, especially because I don't necessarily feel like I am at that stage of maturity and leadership yet. I do know, however, that growth comes through opportunity and challenges. I am sure that I will rise to the occasion when the time does approach. Come fall, we will welcome the '26s, I'll need to start looking for gap year jobs, and everything will be the beginning of the end. I think I may be a bit sentimental because we have begun saying goodbye to the '22s already, who really had a huge part in shaping my college experience alongside the '20s. Right now, they're finishing up final projects, presenting senior theses, and eagerly anticipating Senior Week, the time between finals and graduation when the entire class just has fun on-campus together before leaving for the last time. I'm so excited for them, even though I'm sad to see them go.
All in all, it was a really good term! I got to go to a conference out-of-state, which helped me break out of the Dartmouth bubble for a weekend. I got to go canoeing with my dance group when the weather became nicer. I balanced four courses in-person (!) which is more than I ever thought I could do as a pre-med, even if my grades in certain classes could be better. I made so many new friends and strengthened relationships with old ones. I went on many Woccoms (walks around Occom Pond) with friends, sometimes looping around multiple times to continue our conversations. I experienced my first Green Key with music and lines galore, and had a lot of fun at formal. There are definitely things I could have done better, such as being more diligent about going to the gym, practicing more biochem, or reaching out to certain people to reconnect after a term away. But overall, I am happy with how my spring term went and am so grateful for such a wonderful time amidst COVID and an always-chaotic world.
I hope you've enjoyed reading my posts this term. I will be back soon, with more escapades and lengthy reflections to help you see the Dartmouth that I see every day. This week, I will be frantically reviewing transaminase pathways, writing papers, and cramming as much knowledge into my brain before heading home for some much-needed rest and quality time with family. Thank you for reading my posts and spending some time with me.
I'll see you soon!