Tulio Huggins
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Going Home!
Wait a minute. Did I just finish week ten?
It seems like yesterday when my parents dropped me off in front of my dorm, tears flowing from my eyes as I realized I was really in college and I wouldn't see them until Thanksgiving.
But soon, the tears dried. I got settled in. I powered through classes, ROTC, and clubs, and made new friends. And just like that, I realized that it was time for me to head home.
Well, not exactly home — at least not yet. My travel plans have taken me to Panamá for a little bit to see my mom's side of the family and celebrate my grandmother's 80th birthday. Afterward, I will be back in Pennsylvania for the remainder of the break.
One, I want to write. When I was in high school, I participated in something called the National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), which is a global challenge to write a book in one month. Even though NaNoWriMo mainly takes place in November, I am going to try to complete a book throughout December. I am a tad bit nervous about the adventure, but I know it will be an exciting time!
Two, I want to read. My first term at Dartmouth has reignited my passion for reading, and so I want to continue reading over the break. I have six books I want to read every week, with the classic To Kill a Mockingbird as my current book. And who knows? Maybe I will take a quick trip to Barnes & Noble to pick up another.
Finally, I want to paint. The summer before I headed off to Dartmouth, I decided to take up painting and ended up with six paintings in six days. I definitely don't plan on painting every day, but I hope to complete a couple of paintings before I head back to Hanover.
Until next time!
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