Coming Back to Campus to Snowball Fights and Friends
Currently, I'm sitting in a study room in Baker-Berry Library. Just last week, I was abroad, entering the new year with family in Panama. A couple of weeks before, I was finishing up my term in London. It has been a hectic month, but my traveling days are winding down, and I am now settling into campus life again. And what better way to do this than attending the famous snowball fight?
My freshman year I wrote about the snowball fight that happens after the first big snowfall of winter term. We get a mysterious email from Dr. Seuss (a Dartmouth '25!) beckoning us to join in the snowball fight. Excitement fills the air, as droves of students gather at midnight on the Green. As the clock strikes twelve, we heard the sounds of college students returning to their childhoods, throwing snowballs and both friends and strangers.