A Week in the Life
Hi guys! My name is Love and I am a rising junior at Dartmouth currently doing sophomore summer on-campus. Read on for a tiny look into my week!
I started my day off by going to the gym with a friend at 7:15AM and then getting breakfast at FoCo.
Monday-Wednesday-Friday, I usually have two classes: Organic Chemistry 2 and Topics in Abstract Algebra. Both classes are flipped-classroom style, so I prepare ahead of time to make sure that I am able to contribute during the meeting. In-between classes, I study some more, grab food, or go on walks. In the evening, I have council meetings for my sorority as I am serving as the Vice President of Community Service this summer!

On Tuesday, my first class of the day wasn't until late afternoon so I woke up early to finish my other work, such as my Organic Chemistry lab.

Since I live far away from the center of campus, I try to block out my time so that I spend a large chunk of my day in one place and then a large chunk of time in another place. I left my sorority house to go to my dance/ African-American studies class, and then studied outside for a bit and got dinner before attending a master dance class offered by the Dance Theatre of Harlem. After this, I had another dance practice to get to! Around 10:30PM, I finally made my way back to my dorm to shower before I hit the hay.
The two cycles (MWF, TuThur) are pretty repetitious during the week.

Today, instead of having council meetings in the evening like on Monday, the entire sorority had mandatory rush training in preparation for the fall, as well as our weekly meetings. Also, I cooked my own dinner today using vegetables from Dartmouth's Organic Farm! It took way longer than I expected, but I was able to call my family back home and unwind for a bit in the middle of the week, which I really appreciated.
Thursday looked a lot like Tuesday. There was no master ballet class today, so I just went to my third academic class and practice for my dance troupe! Of course, the rest of the time was filled with studying.

Friday was a busy, busy day! I had my two courses, as usual.
Today in particular, I also had a community service event that I helped plan in collaboration with another student organization on-campus (Hanover Community Kitchen). We cooked dinner for those in the UV community who may not be able to get a home-cooked meal very often and for those who simply wanted to gather and enjoy some food together.

After this event, I attended a "Vulnerability is Not a Weakness" event that some of my friends had put together. In such a fast-paced world like Dartmouth, it is really important for students to have the space to process their emotions, connect with their peers on a deeper level, and listen to each other's stories outside the context of school or quick lunch dates. When this event ended, I went on a walk with some friends.
In the morning, I did a bunch of chores that I needed to get done this week: doing laundry, cleaning my room, vacuuming, washing my dishes, etc.

In the afternoon, I went to Quechee Gorge with some church friends. We waded in the water for a bit and then got dinner at Worthy's Kitchen. Highly recommend for those who love burgers and the like! I got back to campus around 9PM and did some work before going out with some other friends from my sorority.
Sunday, the last day of the week (or the start of the week, depending on what calendar you use). On this day, I had church, a separate dance practice for the same dance troupe, and also a dinner with some friends. The specific day that I really try to churn out work on the weekend varies each week, but this time around, it was Sunday: I got a table in Collis after practice and stayed there for the majority of the afternoon.
After dinner, I went to see a joint acapella and improv comedy show before heading back to my dorm to do some more studying before welcoming the new week.
So that's it, a week in my life during sophomore summer! My term these past few weeks has been much more relaxed than normal since I am still getting settled into life on-campus and have put things like research and volunteering on hold until the fall. But this arrangement has also been great because I am able to do a lot of things that I normally wouldn't have time for, such as going to Quechee Gorge or attending this acapella/improv show on a Sunday night.
That's all from me for now! See you next week!