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A row of dorms with a clear, sunny sky and snow covering the ground

The beginning of each term always feels incredibly nice because it feels like an opportunity to restart and try again. The winter term feels especially special because everything feels like a new beginning, especially since the winter term usually starts just a few days after January 1st. Resolutions are also more likely to be carried back to campus. I wasn't on campus last winter, so I am feeling really excited and nervous about this upcoming winter. Therefore, I thought I would share a couple of things I hope to implement to enjoy the winter term as well as activities I would like to try out!  

  1. The winter days feel incredibly short because of the sun setting early. It is one of the things I dislike the most about the winter. The sun also rises a bit later than usual and sometimes there are just clouds and no sun. Therefore, a sun lamp is incredibly helpful for me to feel like I am being blessed with some warmth. 
  2. A humidifier! I bought one a while back because it was on sale and thought I might need it in the future so now is the perfect time to bring it out. I dislike how dry Hanover can get because it feels uncomfortable and I hope a humidifier will fix this issue. 
  3. This is definitely a stretch, but I would like to find a way to be more active during the winter. I am fortunate to live closer to the gym than other on-campus housing options. Therefore, I feel like I need to take advantage of it. During a regular fall day, I am more likely to be outside and at least take longer walks. However, I expect myself to be really lazy and hesitant to want to be outside for long periods. Therefore, going to the gym to play racquetball or just walking on the treadmills is something I would like to pursue.
  4. Speaking of being active and moving around… I would love to try more outdoor winter activities. I don't have high expectations but it would be really cool to try skiing or snowboarding. Dartmouth is also installing an ice rink on the rink so that could be another fun option! 
  5. Visit the Hood Museum. I have grown to really appreciate different forms of art and the Hood Museum has plenty that I have yet to see. They also host different speakers and events that encourage community gatherings. Often, they will bring out fresh fruit, drinks, and crafts for people to enjoy. 
  6. Participate in a jewelry-making session. During the fall, seniors who did not purchase a Dartmouth class ring were able to sign up for a jewelry session to create their version of a class ring. There was also a session to create a jewelry piece that matched with students'  chosen outfits. I would love to participate in these events! 
  7. Lastly, I can't wait to do the Polar Plunge again and make more of my friends participate in this tradition! The Polar Plunge is a Dartmouth tradition that takes place on Occom Pond during the Winter Carnival. A square of ice is carved out and students, as well as other community members, wait in line to swim from one distance to the other. Students are decked out in flair and bathing suits while battling the winter weather. I participated in my sophomore year and it was exhilarating, so I hope to drag more friends to join me this winter. 

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