The End of an Interesting Fall Term
And...I'm back at home! These past nine weeks on campus have been the most unique out of all my terms. With COVID looming over us, new restrictions and online learning was something the entire student body had to get used to in a short amount of time. However, this term has been one of the most memorable ones for me, and I will cherish the experiences that I have made!

With classes being online, I thought it would be hard to interact with the people in my classes, especially with classes being larger this term. However, I found that that was not the case. In my Calculus class, we were put in groups of five people to work on assignments for the term. Since we were all on campus this term, we were all able to meet up and work on the assignments together, fostering relationships with each other along the way! This was the same for my International Politics class, with my teacher even coming on campus and meeting up with us safely in person with her two Rhodesian Ridgebacks!

And finally, I was able to feel a sense of community during this term, especially through the Christian communities on campus. One of my favorite memories this term was our socially distant Thanksgiving dinner, in which a few of us were able to cook and celebrate the upcoming holiday of thankfulness. It was a great experience with great food, and it helped me feel a little bit like we were back at home with our families!

In the past terms on campus, I have always felt more excited to leave and be with family than stay on campus. However, I feel like this term has made me really feel Dartmouth as my second home; a place I will truly miss. I'm excited to see my new friends (and my old ones!) when I come back in the winter. See you then!