Having Fun at the Skiway!
Without a doubt, winter carnival is one of my favorite Dartmouth traditions. Every year, I get excited about the myriad of activities there are to do, ranging from making ice sculptures to competing in a snowshoeing race and even doing the polar plunge. The polar plunge is a tradition where students take a quick dip in the freezing Occom pond. One of the neat perks of Winter Carnival weekend is that on Sunday, students get ski lift tickets for free at the Dartmouth Skiway, a Dartmouth College-owned ski area. Naturally, my friends and I wanted to take advantage of these free tickets, so we headed to the Skiway early Sunday morning! After all of my friends and I piled into our friend Sophia's car, we took a short 15-minute drive and arrived at the Skiway. Because I am currently taking ski classes at the Skiway, I headed to my class while my friends hit the slopes.
The Dartmouth Skiway offers great ski classes that count as PE credit for Dartmouth students. My class, which meets once a week on Sundays, has six other Dartmouth students and is led by a ski instructor. I've made a lot of progress in my skiing ability through taking these classes and have made some incredible friends in the process.

Feeling invigorated after my ski class, I met up with my friends and skied down the slopes a few more times. We topped off our day at the Skiway by relaxing at the Sklodj, a shorthand form of Dartmouth Ski Lodge. We ate delicious fish tacos from the restaurant while recounting how our day at the Skiway went. Finally, we all climbed into our friend Sophia's car and reached campus late afternoon. Although it is hard to come to terms with the fact that this was my last winter carnival as a Dartmouth student, I am so grateful for the people I spent time with and the experiences I had this weekend. I had such a fun time and will definitely cherish this memory forever!