Batuhan Saridede
So… You Have Applied. What Now?
Congratulations to the newest members of the Class of 2027! Unlike our beloved now '27s, I was still applying and interviewing for colleges this time last year. I recognize, and know first-hand, that the regular decision process is stress-inducing. Here is how I managed my stress from the time I sent my regular decision applications to decision announcements.
One of the many aspects of the Dartmouth application is the peer recommendation! Like most schools, Dartmouth reviews teacher and counselor recommendations. However, unlike any school I applied to, Dartmouth provides the opportunity of having a peer recommender, who can speak on your candidacy as a potential Dartmouth student. This time last year, I asked one of my closest friends for a peer recommendation after submitting my application. I still remember how grateful I felt that a friend of mine felt secure in providing details to the admissions office about my candidacy. On a broader level, the opportunity of submitting a peer recommendation shows how much Dartmouth values students' interaction with their peers as part of their applicant profile. Having written a couple of peer recommendations this year, I felt extremely fulfilled to have been able to speak for some of my closest friends' candidacies. I highly recommend everyone to make use of this opportunity!
For me, the hardest part of the regular decision process was waiting for decisions for three months without having any acceptances from the early round. From January to March, I found it super helpful to find activities to keep my mind off the waiting. I started taking dance classes, going on walks more often, and spending more time with family as I knew I would be away from them in a couple of months. I believe actively trying to find ways to destress eased my management of college decisions when the time came.
I applied to many colleges (maybe too many), so I had several days when I had multiple interviews back-to-back. For international students, some applicants will receive invitations for alumni interviews based on alumni availability in their country. Not receiving an alumni interview does not put people at a disadvantage as interview allocations purely depend on alumni availability. I know many classmates who have interviewed for Dartmouth and many who have not. If you do receive an alumni interview request, you are encouraged to take the opportunity to share a bit more about yourself as a person.
For now, celebrate the efforts you have put into your application for Dartmouth and other colleges alike. It takes extensive reflection and commitment to complete college applications, and you should all be proud of yourselves for having taken the first step toward your college education!
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