When picking a college, know that you are not only picking a place to learn about the world, but also about yourself—and Dartmouth is a great place to do just that!
The second and final post of my "Why Dartmouth?" story. Reflecting on my decision to attend and move to Dartmouth College!
Gavin Fry 2025 -
Behold the answer to the question I have been trying to find a concrete answer to for quite some time… "Why Dartmouth, Gavin?" (Part 1)
Gavin Fry 2025 -
Dartmouth has a lot going on all the time – here is an insight into some of the cool events I've attended during my time here so far!
Luke Grayson 2025 -
I hope this post can be a great starting point for those of you beginning to explore People, Places. Pines. I truly enjoyed reading it while I was in your shoes, and now I'm so excited to be producing content for all of you!
Shuyi Jin 2023 -
When you imagine spring break, images of crowded beaches in sunny Florida probably come to mind. However, after being away for ten weeks, I wanted a chance to come home to be with my family. So I spent two wonderful weeks in Georgia.
Caroline York 2025 -
I miss you.
But is this New Hampshire place not super cool? No, I meant it has been lots of fun, not that it has been cold. Well, it's been a little cold sometimes but that's besides the point.Chase Harvey 2025