Take Dartmouth Home
Visiting your home town? Take Dartmouth with you. Sign up to visit high schools in your area and share your college experience.
What is Take Dartmouth Home (TDH)?
Take Dartmouth Home is a program that provides current Dartmouth students with admissions materials to use when visit the high school they attended (or other high schools in their area) or community-based organizations and share their college experience and perspective with prospective applicants in their community.
How to Take Dartmouth Home:
- Check-in with our admissions office to see if we've recently visited your area. Even if we have, you should still visit, we simply want you to be informed about Dartmouth's presence in your community.
- Contact your high school counselor to set up a visit time.
- Register with the Dartmouth Admissions Office after your school visit is confirmed.
- Visit your high school and make a presentation, using materials we will supply.
- Submit a report on your TDH experience.
Questions?: reply@dartmouth.edu