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After three years of conducting research with professors in different fields and applying for different types of funding, I wanted to share what kinds of opportunities are present at Dartmouth!

  1. Undergraduate Research Assistantship (URAD) Scholars

The URAD Scholars program is a gateway to immersive research experiences. This program provides $1.2k to conduct research with faculty mentors across a wide array of disciplines. Whether your interest lies in biological sciences, history, art history, or beyond, URAD provides the framework to explore your passions deeply and meaningfully. 

As a URAD Scholar, you'll work closely with faculty on groundbreaking projects, gaining hands-on experience that goes far beyond the classroom. The program not only offers a stipend but also provides opportunities to present your research, contributing to a dynamic community of scholars. My involvement in the URAD program allowed me to work on a project focused on biological anthropology within the anthropology department. This experience was invaluable, providing me with practical skills, deep insights into the field, and a professor who guided me throughout the process.

  1. James O. Freedman Presidential Scholars

The James O. Freedman Presidential Scholars program is another exceptional opportunity for Dartmouth undergraduates. This program is designed for juniors, offering them the chance to engage in advanced research projects with faculty members who are leaders in their fields.

As a Presidential Scholar, you'll have the opportunity to delve into high-level research, often working on projects that have significant real-world impact. The program not only enhances your academic experience but also prepares you for future graduate studies or professional pursuits. Although I personally haven't done this program, it allows one to gain a lot of funding for consecutive terms to flush out a project they are passionate about!

  1. Others! 

There are other opportunities like the Design Your Own Internship programs at the Dickey Center for International Understanding (around $5000 estimate) to conduct research internationally, Dartmouth's Center for Professional Development (CPD)'s SELF Fund, which is another lump sum of money to pursue research/off-term internships, and more. 

All in all, Dartmouth provides SO many opportunities to pursue academic research interests as undergraduates!

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