Jack Heaphy
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Jack's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallOn Campus
Favorite Class: SOCY 20: Sex, Death, and MigrationThis class was an overview on demographic trends across the world, and it's the course that got me interested in my current academic focus! I enjoyed the fact that this class was discussion based, so I was able to engage in conversations about different social factors and relationships that affect population changes in global societies.
WinterBoston, MA
Favorite Class: THEA 30: Acting 1I never thought I'd enjoy doing theater online but this class fully exceeded all expectations I had in mind. I was able to learn new techniques and was forced to think about aspects of performance that I never had to worry about when on stage. The technological stage was definitely an interesting hurdle, but it strengthened my abilities as a performer overall.
SpringOn Campus
Favorite Class: ENVS 28: Global Environmental HealthBeside it being my first in-person class at Dartmouth, I have enjoyed the case-based structure of this course. Professor Roebuck delivers the content in small units of environmental health problems, which are all applicable to specific cases and situations. This makes the material extremely interesting and thought-provoking, leading to an incredible class.
SummerNew York, NY
I spent my summer interning for a theater education company that offered technical skill sessions to teenagers, all taught by industry professionals. I learned a lot more about the ins and outs of the theater industry, due to the immersive setting of the position.
FallOn Campus
Favorite Class: EARS 14: MeteorologyI originally took this class to fulfill my lab distributive requirement, but it ended up proving to be a super interesting course! I have always been fascinated by storms and weather, so learning the processes behind these phenomena and patterns was deeply interesting for me. While I am not planning on studying Earth sciences any further, this specific course was memorable for all the good reasons!
WinterOn Campus
Favorite Class: SOCY 16: Constructing Social TheoryThis class was a constant reminder of my love for sociology. Professor Kim was a genuine, kind, excellent professor and lecturer, and all of the material was deeply interesting. Some past classes that are reading-heavy have fallen short in finding invigorating readings that I was actively excited to explore, and I enjoyed every single article and discussion for this course. Exploring contemporary theorists' works, this class was a 10/10.
Dartmouth's Everyday Atmosphere
This post expresses Dartmouth's "vibe" from my personal perspective, hopefully giving you a feel of what it's like to be on campus!
Trust the Process: Thoughts about My Application Process
As the early application deadlines begin to pass, I try to offer any advice I have about college applications and share my experiences.
Performance Groups in a Pandemic
As a member of multiple performance groups on campus, I thought I'd give you a bit of background info on the opportunities here and discuss what we've been up to!
Day in My Life Without Classes!
Here's a run-through of what a typical classes-free day here looks like for me as a Dartmouth student!
First Month Reflections
I moved in a little over a month ago, so I thought I would look back at my first month of college and share some thoughts.
What a Liberal Arts Education Means to Me
To me, a liberal arts education involves a curriculum that encourages students to study a broad range of disciplines, picking up skills that can benefit them in multiple career paths. Here is my own perspective on Dartmouth's broad curriculum!
Starting College in Quarantine
Everyone has a different story about their transition to college, especially during a pandemic, but I thought I'd share mine to offer a taste of life at Dartmouth!