It's finals week at Dartmouth. After spending 10 weeks here, I'm reflecting on my education experience at Dartmouth.
Taoheng (Tao) Chen 2028
Applying early to a university can be overwhelming and confusing. As someone who did not apply to Dartmouth through early decision, here are a couple tips that I could have used when thinking about applying early to a school!
Olivia Koo 2026 -
Why did I decide to spend the next four years of my life at a college in the woods.
Mario Lopez 2028 -
Some friendly advice from a former anxious high schooler trying to understand what I wanted for my college experience.
Luana Neves 2028 -
All about me, why I chose Dartmouth, and why I became a blogger!
Youmi Ji 2028 -
What led me to apply Early Decision to Dartmouth?
Nathan Hammerschmitt Le Gal 2027 -
Time is of the essence—but sometimes writing cannot be written. Let's talk about it.
Nathan Hammerschmitt Le Gal 2027 -
In the summer, prospective students might take the time to visit potential colleges and universities to apply to. But what are some things to look for as you peruse campuses and take in the view, especially during the summer? Here are some ideas!
Olivia Koo 2026 -
Explaining everything that goes into becoming a Dartmouth tour guide.
Julia Cappio 2027