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Grandeur Atop Gile: Viewing Peak Fall Foliage in the Upper Valley

A novelty of east coast autumns that I have discovered since becoming a New Hampshirite has been the expansive outburst of colors on its trees. By hiking Gile Mountain, you can revel in the grandeur of the northeast's fall foliage too!

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Fall Clubs: What Am I Up To This Term?

Much like you all, I have many other interests that span outside of the academic realm, and Dartmouth's long list of clubs kept me satisfied when finding ways to pursue my hobbies. These are just a few of the clubs I am participating in this year!

Roses of My First Week Back

As I settle into a new schedule of classes and extracurricular activities, I have taken inspiration from the many icebreakers that defined last week by compiling a list of my roses (void of any thorns) from my first week back at Dartmouth.
