Why do students at Dartmouth participate in Greek life?
This is a question that I have been asked dozens of times by not only prospective students but my family and friends back home.
Why do students at Dartmouth participate in Greek life?
This is a question that I have been asked dozens of times by not only prospective students but my family and friends back home.
From what I've researched, Dartmouth doesn't offer any business degrees to undergraduates. What alternatives are there, and is it worth applying if there aren't any business-related options?
As you sit against the backdrop of an ever-changing digital world, you might wonder, "Dartmouth, an Ivy League gem, why the absence of a traditional undergrad business degree?" Allow me, your trusted Dartmouth diarist, with my quintessential green
I love food and cultural-oriented food as well, so what's there to eat at Dartmouth?
If the world can be explored through its flavors, Dartmouth promises a voyage of epic proportions.
For the D-Plan, must students take classes for all four quarters a year or can they take one quarter off a year?
When you think of college, the typical two-semester system probably pops into your mind. But Dartmouth, with its commitment to unique and tailored learning experiences, offers something refreshingly different: the D-Plan.
I'm a UK prospective student applying to Dartmouth and am a practicing Muslim. Is there a prayer room available? Can you also provide information about the Muslim community at Dartmouth?
Greetings from Dartmouth's breathtaking realm, nestled amidst Hanover's rolling green vistas! My faith may walk a different path, but Dartmouth's vast landscape of experiences has allowed me to witness the rich tapestry of its Muslim community.
How easy is it to travel to and from Hanover, especially for students who want to visit home or explore other cities during breaks?
One of the considerations that prospective Dartmouth students may have is the accessibility and convenience of traveling to and from Hanover, particularly when it comes to visiting home or exploring other cities during breaks.
Can you describe what it's like being Christian at Dartmouth?
I may not be able to answer this, but one of my close friends on campus can! Click for a mini interview/introduction on what it's like being Christian at Dartmouth : )
What's something about Dartmouth that you didn't know existed prior to your enrollment that you couldn't imagine your life without now?
For me, Dartmouth's support for undergraduate research is not something I knew a lot about coming in. However, it has certainly differentiated my experience here.
How would you describe Dartmouth's sense of place?
Dartmouth has a very strong sense of place. The College prides itself on being a huge part of the Upper Valley community, and when you are at Dartmouth, you can take part in all that it has to offer.