Caroline York
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Caroline's D-Plan
What's a D-Plan?-
FallOn Campus
Favorite Class: Indian Country TodayI initially took this class because I wanted to know more about Dartmouth’s history with Native Americans. It ended up being my favorite class because Professor Duthu was so enthusiastic about Native American affairs. He related the lectures to his own experiences growing up on a reservation, which made the class come to life.
WinterOn Campus
Favorite Class: Ancient MedicineAs a potential Classics major on the pre-health track, this class was perfect for me! We learned about different medical practices from Rome and Greece and how medicine had changed in the past 2,000 years. We had a class in the Geisel School of Medicine and got to hold human organs!
SpringOn Campus
Favorite Class: Economic Principles & Policies (Econ 2)I took this class because I wanted to learn more about the economy. Econ 2 focuses on the current economic climate in the US, so we would follow the DOW Jones on a daily basis to establish trends. In an economy impacted by a pandemic, inflation, and a war, this class was so helpful in my understanding of the financial climate of the country.
FallOn Campus
Favorite Class: General Physics I (Physics 3)Physics with Professor Blencowe was delightful. His enthusiasm for the subject matter created excitement for students. The labs were hands-on and interactive to learn about the mechanics of the world.
WinterOn Campus
Favorite Class: Sociology of GenderThis class fulfilled the Interdisciplinary Approach to my Global Health minor, and I enjoyed every minute of it. With Professor McCabe, we discussed gender and how its structure impacts our daily lives. My final research project studied gender within "Grey's Anatomy," which was created by Shonda Rhimes '91.
SpringHanoi, Vietnam
Favorite Class: Dartmouth Dickey Center Global Health InternshipI used my "off-term" to travel to Hanoi, Vietnam for a Dartmouth Dickey Center Global Health Internship. I worked for the Institute of Population, Health, and Development, and studied health disparities in Vietnam.
SummerOn Campus
Favorite Class: The Jewish JesusThis class was taught by a visiting professor, and she did an excellent job of engaging the class and making the material exciting. We learned about the historical Jesus figure in a Jewish context, and we connected the class content to modern day movies about Jesus.
FallDublin, Ireland
Favorite Class: Trinity College, DublinI did a transfer term at Trinity College, Dublin, which means I took three courses at Trinity. My favorite was "Roman Archaeology" because I had never taken an archaeology course yet for my Classical Studies major.
WinterOn Campus
Favorite Class: Math 3: Calculus IMath 3 with Professor Erp was such a delight! He made math so understandable and accessible. I can honestly say I enjoy doing integrals after this class!
SpringOn Campus
Favorite Class: Classics 12.02: Greek and Roman Engineering and TechnologyThis class was fantastic! Professor Kramer is very knowledgeable about this field. Although I don't have an engineering background, this class was a great introduction. I learned how everything from medical tools to the Colosseum were made and built.
SummerAtlanta, GA
This was my first off-term (meaning I wasn't taking any Dartmouth classes) since my sophomore spring! I did a wonderful internship that was completely funded by Dartmouth; I'll write blog posts to share more!
FallAtlanta, GA
This was another great off-term internship that was funded by Dartmouth!
WinterAtlanta, GA
For winter term, I decided to do an internship with an Atlanta-based ophthalmologist that was completely funded by the Center for Professional Development (CPD). I worked for Dr. Jordan Stanley, who specializes in glaucoma and cataract surgeries, and I had the opportunity to shadow him and gain hands-on clinical experience that is invaluable to a future career in medicine. Thank you, CPD and Dr. Stanley for this incredible term!
Spring Break!
When you imagine spring break, images of crowded beaches in sunny Florida probably come to mind. However, after being away for ten weeks, I wanted a chance to come home to be with my family. So I spent two wonderful weeks in Georgia.
Aires in Atlanta
Acapella is in the Aire! Over break, the Aires, one of Dartmouth's premier all-men acapella groups, embarked on a Southern tour. Lucky for me, they made a stop outside of Atlanta, and I excitedly went to their show.
Veteran Life at Dartmouth
Dartmouth has several student veterans. They have done so much for our country and continue to help the Dartmouth community.
The Value of Interdisciplinary Studies
Ok, so I just used interdisciplinary studies, which is a college "buzzword." But I promise I have a new perspective!
Choosing Dartmouth
A year after being accepted to Dartmouth, I reflect on "Why Dartmouth."
SIBS Mentoring
I got a new sister when I came to Dartmouth! To my biological sister, Maggie, if you're reading this, no, you haven't been replaced, but I do have a new SIBS sister now.