Spring Term Update!
Since arriving on campus, my first spring term at Dartmouth has been extremely centered around the weather/enjoying the outdoors. Coming from winter term I guess I didn't realize how much of a necessity spending time outside is—simple things like walking to class are so much more enjoyable now. Don't get me wrong, the New Hampshire winter wonderland was phenomenal while it lasted, (the midnight snowball fights and early morning skiing especially) but coming from Oklahoma, I need my sun.
With the snow finally gone, I've been able to go on daily hikes and walks around Occom Pond as well as study outside more. Check out this picture of life on the green, it pretty much sums up Dartmouth life lately:
Oddly enough, as the trees are starting to bloom again, and the freshly admitted 27s are seeing campus for the first time during their admitted student tours dimensions, I'm brought back to fall term. The Campus energy has been phenomenal lately, and It feels a lot like I'm experiencing Dartmouth for the first time again. I guess that's a perk of going to a school that experiences all four seasons in full force.

Overall, I'm enjoying my first spring term—the weather has been great, and the essence of community is definitely dispersing throughout campus alongside the sunshine. On top of the great weather, there are also a variety of student events coming up that I'm excited about experiencing for the first time, Green Key (Dartmouth's famous live music weekend) as well as my upcoming housing community trip to New York City are two of them!
I'm going to be documenting all of it so make sure to stay tuned!
Your friend,