Let's explore my favorite study spots at Dartmouth as a first-year during my Fall quarter
Mario Lopez 2028
This week I challenged myself to study entirely outside of Baker-Berry Library! Join me on a tour of my favorite study spaces around campus.
Matthew Monroe 2027 -
Even with a small campus, Dartmouth has no shortage of study spots to choose from. But what makes the ideal place to study? What factors impact what truly makes a study space ideal for studying? Here's my analysis!
Olivia Koo 2026 -
A brief overview of some of my favorite places to study outdoors on campus!
Lauren Groulx 2027 -
An exploration of my compulsion to constantly switch my study spots on campus!
Yehalah Fernando 2026 -
A new term comes with new study spots to explore. Let's take a look at some of my new favorite cozy study spaces that I've come to appreciate so far:
Joanna Jou 2026 -
All about my favorite study spot thus far and a playlist to go along with it!
Eva Hymes 2025 -
With the College being open, I have been able to explore several new study spots to find the best fit!
Griselda Chavez 2024 -
With lots of things (understandably) still closed on campus, it's nice to know that study spaces are beginning to open up again in a safe and responsible way.
Nicholas Sugiarto 2023