Mario Lopez
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My Favorite Fall Study Spaces
Hey y'all,
I want to take you guys to some of my favorite study spots at Dartmouth today. These are the spots where I spent most of my time this past Fall quarter at Dartmouth!
1. 3rd Floor Berry or 3FB (Dartmouth lingo for the 3rd floor of Berry Library)
Berry Library is one of the newer additions to Baker Library—thus Baker-Berry Library—which consists of 3 floors. For Berry Library, one has to keep in mind that the level of noise decreases the further up in floors one goes. Thus, the third floor of Berry Library is the quietest section of the library, and no type of conversation is allowed. This is one of my favorite places to study for my midterms—Exams are given throughout the term to assess your retention of the material thus far—and writing posts. It helps me concentrate and focus on the work at hand!

2. 1st Floor Berry or 1FB (Dartmouth lingo for the 1st floor of Berry Library)
As I previously mentioned, every floor in Berry Library is defined by its level of noise, which, in turn, is defined by how high it is. Thus, Berry's first floor is the most social and noise-friendly floor in the library. This section of the library is a great area to get work done while socializing with people or working on group projects. I personally love the 1st Floor Berry since I always find at least somebody to say hi and talk to!

3. Rauner Library
Rauner's Special Collections Library—or Rauner Library—is the Library that holds several ancient first-hand artifacts ranging from Dr. Seus' original manuscripts to William Shakespeare's First Folio. Rauner Library is one of the best libraries for doing research on a specific topic. I love working in the upstairs area of Rauner Library since the lighting and the view is quite nice!

4. The Stacks
The "stacks" is a portion of Baker-Berry Library that contains a collection of books-stacked floor after book-stacked floor. This is one of the best buildings, in my opinion, to focus on getting an essay done or studying for a midterm or a final exam. I love working and studying in the stacks since they're not incredibly noisy or extremely quiet, and they have a great view of campus!

5. The Tower Room
The tower room is located on the second floor of Baker Library. It's one of the oldest and most aesthetic-looking libraries at Dartmouth. The Tower Room is also one of the quietest libraries around campus, which is perfect for getting work done and studying. However, the Tower Room is not my favorite library in which to study during hot days!

Thus, these are my favorite study spots around campus!
Until next time,
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