Sophomore summer is one of Dartmouth's most popular and beloved traditions.
Chidera Duru 2025
As a tour guide, I often tell people about the full immersion experience of internships and study abroads. But what does it really feel like to be away from campus?
Caroline York 2025 -
Dartmouth's quarter system allows for some pretty neat experiences throughout the year. Here's what my experience has been like so far…
Gavin Fry 2025 -
What do you wish you knew about Dartmouth before attending?
A:I wish I knew more about the quarter system and how much of a double-edged sword it can be.
Garrett Crouch 2026 -
The quarter system is one of Dartmouth's key offerings — does it work in favor of its students, though?
Kabir Beotra 2026 -
One of the coolest things about Dartmouth is the D-Plan! It is an amazing and flexible system that allows your academic life to flow seamlessly around your future plans. Here is an international student's perspective on it.
Luke Grayson 2025 -
What does your D-Plan look like?
A:If you have not heard already, Dartmouth's academic calendar runs on a quarter system called the D-Plan where you take 10 week terms. There are four terms in a year, where you must be enrolled in classes for three of the four terms.
Chase Harvey 2025 -
Freshman summer can be hard to plan and fill – here is how I went about mine!
Luke Grayson 2025