The ultimate weekends of the year—Halloweekend and Dartmouth Homecoming were at the same time this year, making for an action-packed three days. Although I had heard the lore of everything that was going to occur, I didn't really know what to expect. Let me sum it up in three words –fire, football, and fun activities.
Firstly, fire. Specifically, a bonfire. A very large one. Beginning Monday, an unusually large structure was being built in the center of the Green. The idea of the bonfire is that it is built by the first years, for the first years. A rota is sent out to the '28s (that includes me, '28 refers to my graduating year) to help with the build. Unfortunately, with many eager potential builders, and very limited spots, I didn't get the opportunity to help. However, I contributed in other ways. Clubs at Dartmouth can reserve a board, where they decorate it how they want, and it is then fixed to the front of the bonfire. The Class of 2028 got its own board, and as part of Class Council, I helped design it and also made my own mark on it!

Another feature of the bonfire is a massive cutout of "28," that goes on the top of the bonfire. Friday night, we gathered at our housing communities' (School House, remember?) spirit stations, where we had face tattoos, pizza and merch! What's not to love? We then participated in 'the sweep,' where '28s do a lap of campus, and then finally end up at the bonfire. We make a loop of it, on one side feeling the heat of the bonfire, and the other seeing the faces of other Dartmouth students and alumni. Once we completed our lap, we went to the steps of Dartmouth Hall where we sang along to songs performed by a student band.
Dartmouth football gets its best attendance on Homecoming weekend. We started off the day with a tailgate—the food and vibes were perfect to get us all in the mood for the upcoming game. Although Dartmouth lost (first loss of the season), it was a great way to feel a sense of comradery with previous Dartmouth classes.
Finally, I want to talk about the fun activities that the '28 Class Council organized. A group of almost 50, we work to organize events for our class. This year, in honor of Halloween, we organized a candygram give out. Students had to fill out an email, and whoever they had 'candygrammed' would receive notice to come pick up a Halloween themed goody bag and a personalized note. Bonfire karaoke was also a huge hit. Every year there is a merch design competition for bonfire shirts dedicated to the Class of '28—this year's was definitely the best yet!

All in all, Hallo-Homecoming was successful and fun. I can't wait for next year's, to cheer on the '29s, and hopefully watch Dartmouth football win.