My First Spring Ever!
I didn't expect my first Spring on campus to be during my Junior year, but here we are. As someone who isn't too involved with the outdoor scene at Dartmouth, I wasn't expecting Spring to be significantly different from my other experiences here. However, after six out of the ten weeks of the Spring quarter has passed, I can tell you with certainty that Spring is one of the best terms I've had at Dartmouth so far. The weather is great, and that makes a big difference after you get used to the multiple layers of Winter. When I walk out every morning in my sandals and shorts, I feel more cheerful with the sun shining down. The Dartmouth community really embraces the warm weather too, as you'll see people hanging around the Green and in all corners of campus. Personally, I've loved eating outside with my friends, as we joke around and enjoy the sights of Spring.
This brings me to the topic of this blog, which is how the social scene at Dartmouth is like in Spring. While most of the social spaces in the Fall and Winter are confined indoors, I've really enjoyed getting to be outside this Spring. Being outside allows for wider range of activities, ranging from cornhole, spikeball to even volleyball! Greek houses will often throw large outdoor parties in the Spring as well, where anyone is welcome to come. This past weekend, my fraternity hosted Pigstick, which is an outdoor day party where people can enjoy live music, food, and the warm weather. Although I wasn't sure what to expect, I was really impressed by the positive energy that the Dartmouth community brought to Pigstick. Everyone seemed to come with great vibes, and that led to a lot of fun while I danced to live music and caught up with friends. We even got a full pig for the event!

Similar to Pigstick, there were a bunch of other events on campus this past weekend as well. Other fraternities and sororities also hosted great events, while the Native community at Dartmouth organized a wonderful day of Native performances and food. Of course, all these things were done outside! While I'm definitely not as outdoorsy as some of the other Dartmouth students, I've found that outside is the place to be during Spring. As I get back to the groove of classes this week, I find myself already missing all the outdoor fun I had. Fortunately, Dartmouth will be hosting Green Key in just two weeks, which is a concert for the entire student body. I can't wait!