Kabir Beotra
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The People in the Pines: AM
As decision day approaches, it's really important to think about all aspects of a college before choosing one that's the right for you. Today, I interviewed a first-year (who asked to remain anonymous), AM, and asked her thoughts on various aspects of Dartmouth — and why you should come here, and make the most of your four college years.
1. As an ED applicant, what drew you to Dartmouth?
So much. I had a friend from back home who went here. We lived in a pretty crowded and happening place, so I was nervous about the change of pace; seeing her completely transform from somebody who loved the city so much to a homebody in rural New Hampshire really shocked me. Her transformation prompted me to be like: this is where I have to be — in this mix of academic prestige, rural isolation, and deep tradition.
2. Dartmouth is a school that's known for many things. What's the one thing you get here that you can't get anywhere else?
I know it's overdone to say traditions, but I swear it's just that. Like applicants will always hear, "I love Dartmouth's deep respect for traditions" and sometimes roll their eyes, but I swear it's true. Homecoming in the fall, Winter Carnival in the winter, Green Key in the spring, and Sophomore Summer — these things bond all Dartmouth students. They create this sense of community and togetherness, as if it's our little thing that no non-Dartmouth student can understand and I love that. So I'd definitely say the traditions and how integrated they are into the social fabric of the school is something that's absolutely unique to Dartmouth.
3. You've mentioned that Dartmouth is rural. Does that mean there's nothing to do here?
Absolutely not. Over the weekdays, you're pretty busy with classes and extra-curriculars like sports or clubs that you've joined. Over the weekends, you can go to the frats with your friends, or even have a chill night in in your dorms with some pizza and a good movie. One weekend, I went stargazing on the golf course. There's definitely not as much stimulation as you'd get in a big city, but it's what you make of your experience that counts, I think. Side note: I don't think being "rural" is a bad thing — like I said, it's what you do with it.
4. How is it balancing academics and social life?
Freshman fall was pretty hard, to be honest. The D-Plan (or quarter system) can be a little challenging, especially since we're used to longer terms in high school. I didn't know how to balance meeting all these new people with a truckload of work, but I'd like to say I've gotten much better at it. Striking that balance, especially during a quarter, is incredibly important — you can't let one overpower the other, because at some point it's going to catch up to you and that's never a good thing.
5. What would you say to prospective students who are on the cusp of decision day?
Come here — there's literally no other place you should be. I'm kidding, it's obviously your choice, but I think that taking a chance on a place like Dartmouth is a good idea. There's no other time in your life that you're going to be in the middle of nowhere — you have all your life to live in big cities. Instead, try something new and vastly different from what you're used to. I promise at some point during these four years, you'll be thanking yourself that you took that chance!
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