For this blog post, I interviewed a '27 who's a part of the Chinese Student Association (CSA)!
Kabir Beotra 2026
As my first year at Dartmouth comes to a close, I am interviewing my peers who lived in the interfaith LLC (Living Learning Community) with me.
Lily Johnson 2027 -
Last Friday, I met with my undergraduate dean to learn a little more about undergraduate deans and the academic and social support they provide for students!
Olivia Koo 2026 -
I talked with Fatemah, an international '26 from Pakistan, about her experience as a government major at Dartmouth.
Kabir Beotra 2026 -
I interviewed a sophomore (who wanted to stay anonymous) about their life as a Dartmouth student on the pre-health track.
Kabir Beotra 2026 -
Get a glimpse into the life of a Dartmouth history major!
Kennedy Hamblen 2024 -
Can you describe what it's like being Christian at Dartmouth?
A:I may not be able to answer this, but one of my close friends on campus can! Click for a mini interview/introduction on what it's like being Christian at Dartmouth : )
Garrett Crouch 2026 -
In this series, I interview random students from Dartmouth to help you make your choice as decision day approaches.
Kabir Beotra 2026 -
Curious about the transition into Dartmouth or how to make Dartmouth yours? Meet a few more '26s as they reflect on their Dartmouth journey when they were in your position almost a year ago.
Joanna Jou 2026